Word of president

Nicole Gemayel
Dear fellow-citizens,
I seize this opportunity to announce you, with the greatest pleasure, the launching of Bickfaya-Mhaydsseh’s website:
bmm.gov.lb .
The website is very important since it allows you to stay in touch with your Municipality as well as to stay informed about all the activities and projects, whether in a phase of study, preparation, execution or once finalized.
Moreover, throughout this same website, you will get the chance to share your comments, advices, propositions and complaints, what will be very beneficial for us.
We actually wanted to create a link between you and the Municipality council; our only wish being to always deserve the trust which you granted us and wish to execute the entire program that was presented to you before the election.
Members of the municipality council and me won’t spare any effort to make out of Bickfaya-Mhaydsseh an example to follow.